Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos

Musical Instructor: concepção e desenvolvimento de um jogo para o ensino de música

Ana C. A. Brandão, Janniele A. S. Araújo, Tiago F. M. Lima

Educational games have been applied in different areas of knowledge. This project proposes the development of the game Musical Instructor. It aims to support the learning of basic concepts related to music theory in a playful way. The scope of the work includes the elaboration of artifacts related to game development process (e.g. game design document), art design and software. Players will attend musical schools, each one covering different theoretical and practical concepts (eg. rhythm, notes, musical sheet, timing) through different styles of interaction. The concepts will be addressed incrementally and in a contextualized way. The development steps include conception, design, construction and evaluation. Some partial results were achieved, such as elaboration of the game design document and building of prototypes. Future works includes the release of a demo version to be used and evaluated by music teachers and students.

jogo, jogo sério, jogo educativo, música, teoria musical, game design, protótipo.

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