Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos

MultiEcos – Jogo para Conscientização Sobre o Meio Ambiente

Iara Kelly Garcia, Cassiana Fagundes da Silva, Maurício Ferste

The MultiEcos project aims to present a game to teach about environmental education attractive way, challenging, aiming to raise awareness. For this classic device is used "moral of the story", where every action the player will have a different return, showing you what is the best way and what is the correct attitude to take. This project aims to address sustainability, showing that attitudes to be taken to keep the environment pollution-free environment are often as simple as picking up trash from the floor, for example. The title game was through the prefix junction "multi," meaning many and the word "ecosystems", which means the various ecological systems present in the world. In order to achieve the objectives described, the methodology adopted will be geared to educational games in environmental education approach to be feasible to present further study on the environment and the impact that humans cause ecosystem around you.

Digital games. MultiEcos. Environmental education. Methodology.

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