Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos
Experiências com o Uso de Jogos Digitais para o Desenvolvimento do Raciocínio Lógico e do Pensamento Computacional
Anelise L. Kologeski, Camille G. Silva, Débora N. F. Barbosa, Rodrigo R. Mattos, Sandra T. Miorelli
This work describes a Project called logicando,
developed by students and professor at Feevale
University in collaboration with local schools. The
work aims to develop logical reasoning in students
from final years of the elementary school using
information technology's tools. This project uses an
interdisciplinary approach relating diferente subjects
with activities of logical reasoning, producing and
transmitting the knowledge to the students of the
elementary school. The Project also has a relationship
with a research projet called Mobile Learning.
Ferramentas Educacionais,
Raciocínio Lógico; Tecnologia da Informação.
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