Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos
Interações iniciais com um jogo eletrônico na educação a distância: a percepção dos cursistas
Bruna S. Anastacio, Daniela K. Ramos
The use of technology in education can help to
expand the possibilities in the construction of
knowledge. Among the many alternatives we
highlight the electronic games because are an
entertaining alternative to creating experiences that
result in learning. This study aims to investigate the
use of an electronic game with adults in the education
distance, identifying their contributions to learning
from the perception of the course participants about
the electronic game "Saga dos Conselhos". The game
consists in the combination of mini games that allow
players to achieve goals towards inicialization and
strengthening the school councils. The game was
developed with the primary purpose of reviewing the
contents studied throughout the course. The research
had exploratory and qualitative approach, using the
first interaction with the game that happened at the
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina during
presencial meeting scheduled in the course. The
metodology consisted in the observation and in the
conduct semi-structured interviews with 15 course
participants. The results show that in the perception
of the course participants, the inclusion of the game
in the course was characterized as a differentiated
experience, where they could learn through play. The
dialogue with the course participants showed that the
narrative and the setting of the game allowed the identification of teacher students with characters and
school subjects. Overall, the course participants agree
that we can learn from the interaction with the
electronic game and it is more fun.
jogos eletrônicos, educação a
distância, aprendizagem.
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