Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos

Modelo de roteiro para narrativas de games educacionais

Deglaucy Jorge Teixeira, Dulce Márcia Cruz, Berenice Santos Gonçalves

The narratives embedded in the world of video games is becoming increasingly common and significant. Especially as the playful experience of the player, in order to increase their engagement with the game. Frequently and reciprocally, a story that appears in a video game extends to other narrative media, including the cinema. However, this trend is still little explored in educational games, where the narrative, and enhance the retention of information can increase the involvement of the player to educational content. Given this context, how to develop an educational game capable of providing meaningful experiences to explore the use of narrative together with the educational content? Through an analytical survey of exploratory and descriptive objective was gathered studies on features and design principles for the development of educational games, the game as a meaningful narrative playful interaction and the elements that compose a screenplay within the universe in film and digital storytelling. From a comparative analysis of related studies, we designed a screenplay model for educational games narratives able to guide the development of a game through narrative structures that can provide significant recreational experience and freedom as the experience of playing. So, with that, the game developed through this screenplay can promote more learning fun and contribute effectively with the assimilation of educational content.

game educacional, narrativa, interação lúdica narrativa, roteiro.

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