Simpósio Latino-Americano de Jogos

EducaAnatomia3D: Jogo Sério para o Ensino de Anatomia do Membro Inferior do Esqueleto Humano

Karolini R. da Conceição, Miguel A. de Oliveira, Robson R. Lemos, Mirieli D. Limana, Cristiane M. Rudolph

In the development of new educational technologies, particularly in the health field, such as computer-aided diagnosis, medical data visualization, and virtual environments for training skills in health care, it is possible to find great opportunities for innovation in the design of more efficient interactive techniques for teaching and learning health sciences. The exponential increase in undergraduate and graduate courses in health sciences requires advanced materials for studies in the field. The use of books or anatomical specimens are not always able to provide a realism that are addressed by new technological resources. In this context arises the need for tools that can assist in teaching and learning in order to qualify health professionals for the digital and information age. Therefore, this work aims to present a serious game to study human anatomy applying the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). For that, it was developed a serious game composed by an interactive learning environment using the game development platform known as Unity 3D. As a result, it was developed a game called EducaAnatomia3D in which the interactive environment is divided into two main parts: a presentation of the content for the study of human anatomy, focusing on lower limb skeleton, and a serious game for teaching and helping knowledge acquisition on anatomy concepts. The unique feature of the EducaAnatomia3D is that based on the participation of specialists in human anatomy in the game design the interactive environment allows to explore and learn specific concepts of the human skeletal lower limb typically discussed in the context of an undergraduate course in anatomy which are not promptly available in general purpose learning virtual environments for human anatomy.

Jogos Sérios, Jogos Sérios na Saúde, Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino para Anatomia Humana.

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